Monday, December 31, 2007

Next year in Cuba..

Taken in a cemetary in Guanabacoa...

Monday, December 24, 2007

Feliz Navidad!

Wishing all of you viewing and those that cannot view a wonderful Nochebuena y prospero ano nuevo!
I repost this the upper right hand corner on the right bell tower of La Catedral De La Habana you may be able to see where it says " Gloria A Dios En El Cielo y En La Tierra PAZ Feliz Navidad". This image was taken just before the visit of Pope John Paul II to Cuba in January of 1998.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Juntos Con Fidel...

"Together with Fidel in the new millenium...happiness to you"

This image was taken towards the end of 1999...

Monday, December 17, 2007



Always around July 26th throughout Cuba you'll find cuban flags...everywhere! As the months pass you'll continue to see traces of the small paper flags that adorn everything.
This is a very typical street scene in La much life...someone on the street yelling up 6 from many different radios...the's a very addictive energy. You could walk the same street every day at the same hour and it's miraculously always different...and the best part is you don't know what to expect around the next corner.

Monday, December 10, 2007

I spy...

an "angel" and the "devil". This dance troupe was rehearsing for a show and I was fortunate enough to be seeing with my ears this day. Music is prevalent all over seems that no matter where you go, no matter what time...someone is listening to and moving to music.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Just one photo...then

she was gone...I heard crying and next thing you know there's "mami" with child. Parents in Cuba are so protective of their children at a young age...

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Getting ready for Nochebuena...

It's this time of year that you'll begin to see hidden in balconies, bathrooms and any spare space the fat pig...all year families will feed whatever scraps they have to fatten him up. Quite often several families will "co-op" to share in the meat once he is butchered.
Nochebuena is a wonderful spanish tradition. Some traditions even communism can't eliminate.