Saturday, March 15, 2008

La Habana Portrait


Tomás Estrada-Palma said...

Looks like Cuba could use a paint job...

Yvette said...

Muy buenas todas tus fotos, Roy.
Las he disfrutado mucho.
Un abrazo!

Angel Garzón said...

Your photos capture more than the visible, you convey and allow your subjects to be conveyors of reality, emotions and history past, as well as, history in the making. Do you have any realistic (not touristy) shots of Santiago (my beloved city of birth) and Holguin? (my second favorite Oriental city,) one of my paternal aunts was married (he's deceased) to an Holguinero, he used to run the blood bank there and was a photographer by hobby, he loved his pre-1959 Leika.