I love notes, signs, little messages meant for someone to read. This one " NO HAY NADA" (There is nothing) was posted on a door of a state run store. Quite often these stores sell one item and when they run out, they close shop and try to find another way to resolve their day to day struggles.
I have seen this note many times... and heard it murmured many times on the lips of a passing Cubano.
CLICK: A Glimpse Of Cuba
Roy - you're going to have to give me something here.....at least where this was posted.
You're right, I can't leave you wondering...so I have...Thanks!
How typical in all of Cuba No hay nada
Vana...thank you for your comments...
In a way..there is "nada" as in what do the Cubans have to look forward to...what future...but they have a hope and a desire for something more and hence there is a spirit in the Cubans that give them a strength and hope for a better day. It´s important that we Cubans outside of the island continue to support those in need as in our family and friends...there will come a day and things will change and so the doors will be opened.
Hopefully things will change soon, I do support family in Cuba, how can I not! tell me how many times have you been to Cuba? by the way I love the pictures, thank you for bringing them to us
That's great that you are there for them...have you visited them? There are many Cubans outside that refuse to send even $1 thinking that it props up the regime. I have been to Cuba 38 times since 1996. I am glad you are enjoying the images...
38 times, You Lucky! I know many refuse to send money, they are the HEARTLESS ones, no I have not visited, my sister has, tell me how do you get to go legally? because you are a photographer?
Vana, yes I am fortunate that I have been able to go many times and document this period in Cuban history. It's never a vacation...I have press credentials and that seems to work w Customs.
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